System verilog literals

Integer And Logic Literals

In verilog , to assign a value to all the bits of vector, user has to specify them explicitly.
reg[31:0] a = 32'hffffffff; 

       System verilog adds the ability to specify unsized literal single bit values with a preceding (').'0, '1, 'X, 'x, 'Z, 'z // sets all bits to this value.

reg[31:0] a = '1;

'x is equivalent to Verilog-2001 'bx
'z is equivalent to Verilog-2001 'bz
'1 is equivalent to making an assignment of all 1's
'0 is equivalent to making an assignment of 0

Time Literals

Time is written in integer or fixed-point format, followed without a space by a time unit (fs ps ns us ms s step).


The time literal is interpreted as a realtime value scaled to the current time unit and rounded to the current time precision.

Array Literals

      Array literals are syntactically similar to C initializers, but with the replicate operator ( {{}} ) allowed.

int n[1:2][1:3] = '{'{0,1,2},'{3{4}}};

      The nesting of braces must follow the number of dimensions, unlike in C. However, replicate operators can be nested. The inner pair of braces in a replication is removed. A replication expression only operates within one dimension.

int n[1:2][1:6] = '{2{'{3{4, 5}}}}; // same as '{'{4,5,4,5,4,5},'{4,5,4,5,4,5}}

Structure Literals

       Structure literals are structure assignment patterns or pattern expressions with constant member expressions A structure literal must have a type, which may be either explicitly indicated with a prefix or implicitly indicated by an assignment-like context.
typedef struct {int a; shortreal b;} ab;
ab c;
c = '{0, 0.0}; // structure literal type determined from
// the left-hand context (c)

Nested braces should reflect the structure.
ab abarr[1:0] = '{'{1, 1.0}, '{2, 2.0}};

The C-like alternative '{1, 1.0, 2, 2.0} for the preceding example is not allowed.

EXAMPLE: default values
c = '{a:0, b:0.0};
c = '{default:0};
d = ab'{int:1, shortreal:1.0};